Annie Lim

Annie Lim

Computer Systems Engineer

A full profile image of Annie Lim. She wears teal overalls patterned with a number of sown on badges, with a purple vest underneath and purple boots.

Energetic and talkative, Annie isn't afraid to speak her mind. Despite this, she's usually kind and willing to help her friends in [almost] any situation.

A prodigy when it comes to computer systems, Annie is the youngest crew member, and has been described by professors and colleagues as “a genius with a big heart and a glaring lack of common sense”, a description she proudly displays in her email signature.

Though her different way of seeing things can sometimes be misinterpreted and cause problems, Annie’s often unique take on things makes her willing to see different viewpoints and explore wilder theories. While she’s usually on the more excitable side of things, she takes problems in her stride and get’s to work when things get serious - a valuable trait to have on the mission.

With her willingness to consider alternative possibilities and her fierce determination to protect her friends, Annie can be a valuable ally when the tides turn against you, or could her quick mind and alternative way of thinking make her the perfect culprit?